
【外語教學中心】113學年大一英文注意事項 (Important notices for Freshman English I class)


113學年度 大一英文(英文(一))修習相關注意事項,請特別留意。

  • 校訂必修大一英文課程為英文(一)及英文(二)共4學分,採分級分組上課,共分B1、B及A2組。分班結果已出爐,請查看個人課表,須依規定上課,不得隨意更換班級及刪課大一生若與輔系或雙主修課程衝突,請於下周一(9/9) 下午4點前持課表至外語教學中心(文興樓419室)申請換課,逾期不予受理。
  • 課程採統一課綱及教材-B1組用書-(Keynote 4), B組用書- (Keynote 3), A2組用書-(Keynote 2)。
  • Keynote系列教材皆附有線上學習資源-MyELT平台,而本課程統一期末測驗採MyELT線上平台測驗作答,隨書附贈帳號登入碼一組 (在封面或封底的內頁), 帳號使用期限為一年。
  • 大一生請務必購置正版書籍(大一英文上課第一堂課由授課教師告知購買方式-團體或者個別至校內敦煌書局購買),以免影響自身考試權利,若購買二手書籍或者盜版書籍者,無法使用登入碼 (Access Code),且無法進入台平考大一英文線上期末考,後果須自行負責。
  • 重補修生則不強制購置新書,惟平時線上平台練習部分恐無法使用,期末測驗則將使用校內平台-玩課雲進行測驗。

Dear Students,

Please pay special attention to the following important information regarding the Freshman English (English I) course for the academic year 2024:

• The mandatory freshman English course consists of English I and English II, totaling 4 credits. The course is divided into different levels and groups: B1, B, and A2. The class assignments have been determined, so please check your personal schedule. You must attend the class as assigned and are not allowed to switch or drop classes. If there is a scheduling conflict with your minor or double major, please go to the Foreign Language Teaching Center (Room 419, Bishop Kupfer Hall) with your schedule to apply for a class change by 4:00 p.m. next Monday (September 9). Late applications will not be accepted.

• The course follows a unified syllabus and textbooks: Group B1 uses Keynote 4, Group B uses Keynote 3, and Group A2 uses Keynote 2.

• The Keynote series textbooks come with online learning resources via the MyELT platform. The final exam for this course will be conducted online through MyELT. Each textbook includes an access code (located on the inner pages of the front or back cover), which is valid for one year.

• Freshmen must purchase original textbooks. The instructor will provide details on how to purchase them in the first class—either as a group or individually from the on-campus Caves Bookstore. If you purchase second-hand or pirated copies, you will not be able to use the access code and will be unable to take the online final exam, for which you will bear full responsibility.

• For students retaking or making up the course, purchasing a new textbook is not mandatory. However, you may not be able to access the online platform for regular exercises. The final exam will be conducted through the school's platform, WOW Class.


