【外語教學中心】20240115-20250331 雅思校外考測驗優惠折扣申請 (IELTS test coupon application for off campus test only)
20240115-20250331 測驗優惠折扣申請(IELTS test coupon application for off campus test only)
符合以下資格同學請填寫google表單 申請優惠折扣碼:
歡迎申請雅思校外考測驗500元優惠折扣,欲申請的同學請仔細詳閱下方說明,並據實填寫表單申請喔! 填寫資料僅作為領取折扣碼紀錄,不會應用於其他用途。
- 申請身分:靜宜大學在學學生(含研究生、國際生、僑生與陸港澳生)
- 優惠卷適用考試:一般雅思考試紙筆考、電腦考、UKVI紙筆考、UKVI電腦考
- 優惠價格:500元
- 申請步驟:請填寫線上申請表,通過審核後將以Email寄送折扣碼,確認收到折扣碼後再到IELTS官網報名測驗。
- 不限考試城市和場次(台灣)
- 一個折扣碼限使用一人, 每人僅能申請一次
- 該折扣碼不得與校園考優惠(1000元) 同時使用
- 校外考折扣碼-使用指南請點閱:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ptxN4lk2CJGnX9dCiq6oYKYDkREPEJON/view?usp=sharing
IELTS Off campus (outside Providence University) registration NT500 off
*Rules for Outside Providence University registration (NT500 off) as follows:
- Qualification: Students enrolled in PU (including Master degree students, international students)
- For any IELTS tests including: IELTS on Paper, IELTS on Computer , UKV-paper-delivered test, UKVI-on computer
- The price of the coupon: NT$500.
- The procedure for the application: Fill out an application form. One who is approved will be informed of the coupon code by email. S/he can then process the registration on the IELTS website.
- Any test venue in Taiwan.
- One coupon code is for one student only. Each person can only apply for one time only.
- You can’t use both off-campus discount and on-campus discount at the same time.
- Please click on the link below for the guideline.
Should you have any questions, please contact PUFLC office.
若有問題請洽外語教學中心 (文興樓419室)
外語教學中心 呂碧霞
分機:04-26328001 ext.19234
外語教學中心 謹致