

  • 名稱
    Lu, Pi-Hsia
  • 連絡電話
  • 信箱
  • 個人著作參考網址
  • 最高學歷
  • 負責業務
    1.大一英文自學課程 2. 多益校園考相關業務 3. 規劃及辦理英語角活動相關業務 4. 規劃及辦理每學期及暑假免費英檢班課程相關業務 5. 大四英文文法補救課程相關業務 6. 辦理英文讀本書評簡報競賽 7. 各項報告撰寫 8. 英語角及英檢班工讀生加保作業 9.主任交辦業務 職務代理人:張聿硯
年度 參考文獻格式
2018 Lü, Pi-Hsia(2018). When different “codes” meet: Communication styles and conflict in intercultural academic meetings. Language and Communication, Vol. 61, No. 0, p.p1-14 [SSCI].
2016 Lü, Pi-Hsia & Haseltine, P.(2016). Use of Address Forms in a University Academic Office: A Case Study in Taiwan. Languages and International Studies, Vol. 15, No. 0, p.p1-26 [THCI].
2015 Lü, Pi-Hsia, Rau, D. Victoria & Wang, Y. F.(2015). Secretarial Needs in a Bicultural Academic Office. The Asian ESP Journal, Vol. Vol 11, No. Issue 2, p.p8-39 [其它].
2007 Lü, Pi-Hsia(2007). Refusal Strategies to Invitations: Pragmatic Transfer by Chinese EFL Learners. Providence Forum: Language and Humanities, Vol. 2, No. 1, p.p109-130 [THCI].
年度 參考文獻格式
2015 Lü, Pi-Hsia(20150530~20150530), Status-Congruence in Request E-Mail Discourse of Professional Secretaries in a University of Taiwan, 2015 International Conference on Applied Linguistics.
2014 Lü, Pi-Hsia & Haseltine, Patricia(20140417~20140417), ‘You’re speaking different languages’: Communication styles in intercultural academic meeting conflict situations, The 2014 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching.
2013 Lü, Pi-Hsia(20130523~20130523), Speech Acts Used in University Academic Offices, The 2013 International Conference on Applied Foreign Languages (2013-ICAFLs).
2013 Lü, Pi-Hsia(20130519~20130519), Workplace Discourse in Academic Offices of Higher Educational Settings, The 30th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C..
2013 Lü, Pi-Hsia(20131102~20131102), Use of Address Forms in University Academic Offices: A Case Study, The 2013 ESP International Conference.
2012 Lü, Pi-Hsia(20121027~20121027), Exploration of University Secretaries’ Communication Needs: The Ethnographic and Autobiographical Way, The 2012 International Conference & Workshop on English for Specific Purposes.
2002 Lü, Pi-Hsia(20020702~20020702), Exploration of Metalinguistic Development in Word Definitions: A Cross-Sectional Study on Chinese Children, The 2002 National Conference on Linguistics.
年度 活動名稱 主題/發表題目 活動期間
2015 The 2015 International Conference on Applied Linguistics. National Chiayi University Session moderator. 2015-2015